Working groups

The INSIA Economics Working Group (EWG) is a special interest group for health economists, economists and others involved in the economic evaluation of social care interventions.The group gather members within the INSIA partner organizations.In the EWG we share experiences and discuss challenges, e.g., methodological issues in a specific project, implications of certain methods and perspectives, but also organizational solutions to facilitate economic analyses in the field of social services.  

Members of the EWG are (as of December 2024): 

  • INESS (Quebec)
  • NICE (England)
  • SBU (Sweden)
  • VIVE (Denmark)
  • MANT-CPHR (India)
  • HTW (Health Technology Wales)

The working group is convened by SBU. For further information, please contact: 

Thérèse Eriksson or Johanna Wiss 

Health economists /  

The INSIA Methodologies Working Group (IMWG) is the special interest group for researchers and professionals involved in assessing social interventions by developing and promoting methodological principles and guidelines for: systematic reviews, evidence maps… The group gather members within the INSIA partner organizations. Our aims are to promote collaboration/cooperation and share good practices between the different members of the network; to discuss methodological issues and identify assessment strategies of the different valid methods (qualitative, quantitative and mixed); to identify the conditions of transferability (according to contexts/settings/publics) and to develop ways to improve the impact of our productions.

Members in IMWG (as of December 2024):

  • NIPH (Norway)
  • HAS (France)
  • INESSS (Quebec-Canada)
  • NICE (United-Kingdom)
  • SBU (Sweden)
  • VIVE (Denmark)
  • HTW (Health Technology Wales)

The INSIA Information Retrieval Working Group (IRWG) The working group has transition to a virtual group, agreeing to keep in touch over e-mail on topics of interest.

Members in IRWG (as of September 2022):

  • SBU (Sweden)
  • NIPH (Norway)
  • HAS (France)
  • INESSS (Canada)
  • NICE (England)

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