Membership meeting May 25th 2023
AGENDA with links to presentations
9:00 Welcome and introductions, Nick Baillie (NICE)
9:10 Reflections from the conference (discussion in groups 25 min, discussion altogether 25 min)
10:00 INSIA; the network and its activities, Nick Baillie (NICE)
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Including observational studies in systematic reviews: what, when, how and why, Rigmor Berg (NIPH)
11:30 The approaches to and breadth of evidence used in evaluation in this field, Rachele Kettle (NICE)
12:00 Managing the information explosion: the usefulness of artificial intelligence and machine learning in SIA, Tiril Cecilie Borge (NIPH)
12:30 How to speed up Information Retrieval, Elisabet Hafstad (NIPH)
13:00 LUNCH
14:00 Time for the Working groups (three separate rooms are booked) including a coffee break at 15.30.
16:30 Gather back for a round of quick presentations from the WG Chairs who’ll give a report back on their planned activities, Maja, Carl, Therese and Johanna (SBU) and leader of Methods WG.
17:00 Final sum-up