French National Authority for Health (HAS)

History, structure and governance
The French National Authority for Health (Haute Autorité de santé or HAS) is an independent public institution.
HAS became operational on January 1st, 2005. It is a consultative body providing independent scientific advice to the French public authorities. It was formed by the merger of several health organisations and, since April 2018, its scope has expanded to the social care field with the integration of ANESM (National Agency for the Evaluation and Quality of Social and Medico-Social establishments and Services).The objective was to bring together into a single body all the expertise needed for patient/service user-centered continuous quality improvement.
HAS is governed by a board of eight members responsible for setting our strategic priorities and policies. The Board Chair is appointed by the Head of State. There are eight specialist committees, each chaired by a Board member. Each Board member is responsible for the policy, strategy and executive powers of their committee, and sets up working groups. Each Chair is supported by an operational manager who reports to the Director of HAS.
HAS is tasked with advancing quality in health and social care. In serving both individual and collective interests, HAS upholds the merits of solidarity and equity in access to health and social care.
– Recommending best practices for health and social care professionals
– Measuring and improving the quality in health and social care organizations, as well as office-based settings
– Evaluating Health Products and Technologies
How HAS works
HAS is committed to ensuring the scientific rigor and impartiality of its work. HAS cooperates with all concerned stakeholders in a transparent, concerted effort to ensure a broad and transversal approach to quality.
HAS may perform works on its own initiative or at the request of public authorities (for example, the Ministry of Solidarity and Health), learned societies, user associations, etc.
HAS instituted a shared methodology for all productions, based on a common set of requirements, in order to guarantee permanent transparency and verifiability. It is based on the knowledge and experience of users, professionals and researchers.
This plural approach safeguards the management of conflicts of interest and the critical analysis of scientific data.
Areas encompassed in Social Intervention Assessment
HAS is responsible for producing best practices guidelines professionals in social inclusion, child protection, people with disabilities and the elderly, as well as setting handbook for assessing quality in some 40,000 social care establishments and services.
All HAS’s productions are public. Dissemination strategies involve communicating with the media, editing and publishing reports, professional and public conferences, and exchange of information at local, regional, national and international levels. Information posted on our website (abstracts, reports, etc) is continuously updated. Assessment reports and documents supporting decisions are posted on the HAS website.
HAS has also created a specific commitee to increase the impact of its guidelines.
Future Plans
The future plan can be found in the HAS Strategic Plan 2025-2030 (in French only).
Agency Information
Country: France
Population served (mil): unavailable data
Description of population served (level): National
Current SIA budget (mil Euro): 414 750 €.
Permanent staff: 28
Consultants: It depends
Ongoing SIA projects:
- Supporting people with intellectual developmental disabilities
- Improving support for children leaving child protection: support towards autonomy
- Respite for carers
- Interdisciplinary assessment of the situation of the minor/young adult during the course of measures
- Autism spectrum disorder in children
- Coordination between child protection services and child psychiatry services
- Extreme insecurity and mental health problems
- Prevention of addictive behaviour and risk and harm reduction in social care establishments and services
- Sexual and affective life in the context of support in social care establishments and services
- Support towards and in housing
- Legal protection of adults
- Assessment and management of psychotraumatic syndromes
- Personalised support for the return of mothers in vulnerable situations and their newborns after giving birth
Contact Information
Prof. Lionel COLLET, President, HAS
Director General: Jean Lessi
Director SIA division: Angélique KHALED
Contact person: Angélique Khaled
Address: 5 avenue Stade de France, La Plaine St. Denis 93210
Phone number : +33 1 55 93 72 62