Welcome to INSIA

The International Network for Social Intervention Assessment (INSIA) was established in 2021 in response to an identified need for a network that supports evidence based social welfare decision-making.
INSIA’s position statement sets out the vision, aims and benefits of the network. It will be expanded in future to set out the network’s agreed position on key issues relevant to social intervention assessment and member organisations.
The Benefits of INSIA
INSIA will be at the forefront of social intervention assessment, providing global leadership in this rapidly developing field. We intend to develop our shared understanding based on the collective experience and expertise of our membership. We will do this by giving members:
• direct contact with SIA leaders and scientific staff around the globe
• access to workshops, training sessions and webinars to share expertise, and tools for social intervention assessment
• acess to working groups in special interest areas
• access to a web-based communication service to ask and answer questions about
assessments, methods and tools
• access to a repository of good practice, tools and methods developed by and available to
members of the network
• an active role in the formal annual meeting and quarterly informal meetings helping shape
the direction of the network
• an opportunity to contribute to future position statements and outputs on the challenges
facing members across the globe.